Commodity Prices at Lowest level Since 1999.

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend blog edition, we want to elaborate on the current commodities bear market that brought the Bloomberg Commodity Index (BCOM.IND) on Monday August 24th, to its lowest level since August 1999, as can be seen from below chart. On Monday August 24, the Bloomberg Commodity Index of 22[…]

DOW Jones Index lost more than 1000 points in 4 Days

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend blog edition, we want to elaborate on the biggest sell-off on Wall Street since November 2011. DOW-JONES INDEX: The USA blue chip Index, the DOW-Jones Industrial, declined from 17,545.18 points on the close of Monday August 17, to close at 16,459.75 points on Friday, August 21st, a decline of 1,085.43 points[…]

Highlights in the week of August 10, 2015

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend blog edition, we want to elaborate on the following financial news out of China, that has impacted the Global Financial Markets last week: China has devalued its Yuan with approx. 3 percent against the US-Dollar. China has slashed approx. 180 billion US-Dollars in US-Treasuries securities. CHINA HAS DEVALUED ITS[…]

Highlights in the Week of August 3, 2015

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend’s blog edition we want to discuss some of the most important events that happened in the global capital markets, the world economy and the world of money in the week of August 3, 2015: DOW-Jones Industrial 7-day losing streak. Americans not in labor force rise to record 93.8 million.[…]

Will Puerto Rico become the Greece of the Caribbean?

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend’s blog edition we want to discuss with you the debt situation of our neighbour island Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, an American territory, risks a Greek-style bust. With US$72 billion of debt outstanding, which accordance with CIA world Factbook. is 93% of its GDP. It is more indebted than any of[…]

HighLights in the Week of July 20, 2015

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend’s blog edition we want to discuss some of the most important events that happened in the global capital markets, the world economy and the world of money in the week of July 20, 2015: Bad start of earnings season Q2-2015 DOW Jones Down YTD Gold falls below US$ 1,100.00[…]