Review of 2013 & Outlook for 2014.

Dear PGM Capital, Blog readers, In this year end blog edition we want to look back to 2013 and will try to provide you with an Outlook for 2014. It seems like only yesterday we were ushering in 2013. Now, the year is almost gone and a brand new year will begin in just a few[…]

What is the Shiller P/E Ratio telling you

Dear PGM Capital, Blog readers, In this midweek and Christmas blog article we want to discuss with you the shiller PE ratio and what this ratio is telling you right now. ABOUT ROBERT SHILLER: Professor, Robert James “Bob” Shiller is an American economist, academic, and best-selling author. He currently serves as a Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University and Yale School of[…]

The Role of Phosphorus in Life Processes

Dear PGM Capital, Blog readers, In this weekend blog article we want to discuss with you about phosphorus and  its key role in most life processes. Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15. There are several forms of phosphorous, called white, red and black phosphorus, although their colours are more likely to be slightly different. White phosphorus is the one[…]

The Mother of All Bubbles is about to Burst

Dear PGM Capital, Blog readers, In this midweek blog article we want to discuss with you a bubble that is about to burst. First of all let us talk about “interconnectedness.” Manifest and growing interconnectedness creates its own bubble. The bubble enlarges as masses of banks and financial institutions and private investors end up on the[…]

Highlights of the week of November 25, 2013

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, In this weekend’s blog edition, we want to discuss some of the most important events that happened in the global capital markets, the world economy and the world of money in the week of November 25, 2013. The price of digital currency bitcoin soared above US$ 1,000.00 for the first time on[…]