Why Investing in Silver?

Dear PGM Capital Blog readers, This weekend I would like to talk with you about investing in Silver. Silver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag (Latin: Argentum), Unlike gold, which is predominantly a precious metal, of which 90% of its mined output is being saved, 90% of all mined silver, on the other hand, continues to be utilized for industrial purposes: Silver is needed[…]

Market Update

An all red day again, with the only exception being Silver (+0.35%). There is continuing uncertainty about the global debt issues, especially in Europe for which IMF head Christine Lagarde sent a clear message towards the European political leaders to make some decisions. The market is clearly in “awareness mode” again, where every news can[…]

Market Update

Today the US Job numbers dominated the market and its direction. The European markets closed solidly higher after the positive jobs report, but most commodities were beaten down all day. The US markets opened high in the beginning but closed near zero or negative in the end, because some index heavyweights pulled the index down.[…]